Sunshine Day background

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Camp Joy - Day 5 .... the final day:(

     Well, Friday is the final day of Camp Joy 2013.  The week went incredibly fast but so full of activity.  Today is the day the kids get to have their "Treasure Hunt".  Pastor Martin Wickens spend a good portion of one morning this week making cool looking treasure maps for the kids to use in the treasure hunt.  The only problem was....Friday morning came with LOADS OF RAIN!!! :(
     The hunt took place anyway, but the rain did make most of the clues quite soggy.  The kids still loved the activity and thoroughly enjoyed themselves - wet or dry!!
     Each of the kids were given certificates for the week stating the team they were on - Jumping Jaguars or Pouncing Panthers.  They also got certificates for the boy and girl campers of the week.  These children were chosen by their Tent Leaders because of their display of good character and good attitude throughout the week.  I have to say as a mother, I was thrilled to pieces that my AJ was chosen as the boy camper of the week!
     As a parent, you always think that your children are wonderful.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Camp Joy Day 4


     Every year at camp, there is at least one day that is the water day.  A large piece of plastic is rolled out, a hose-pipe is added and then baby shampoo or washing-up liquid is added to the slide.  The kids love slipping and sliding down the slide and challenge each other to make it to the end.  I don't know who has a better time at this, the Tent Leaders and Preachers or the children!!!  It is always a highlight of the week and this year was no different:)
     The adults, of course, had to try the slide first to be sure it was okay for the kids to come was fabulous!  

Camp Joy Day 3

Well, it has been a week, but I wanted to continue to share the memories of Camp Joy 2013.....
      On Tuesday, a close preacher friend of our, Kent Gossmeyer, said something that stuck with me all day on Wednesday.  He was telling us folks in the kitchen about a preacher friend of his and said how they had become close friends very shortly after meeting each other.  He said this preacher did many amazing things and he admired him even more for it.  The way he put it was

  "I like people who do hard things."

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Camp Joy....Day 2

     Okay, so I did not post yesterday as I was EXHAUSTED after a long day of cooking, washing-up and fun fun fun with everyone, but the second day of Camp Joy was pretty good!  The second day of camp was.... my BIRTHDAY:)
     I have to admit that my ideal birthday does not include cooking three meals and a snack time for 45-60 children and adults, plus washing up the dishes and cleaning the kitchen and tables over and over again, but.....that did not mean that my day was not special.  I had the privilege of spending my birthday here at Camp Joy with wonderful friends.  

Monday, August 12, 2013

CAMP JOY, JOy, Joy, joy....down in my heart!

     Well, it is finally here!  It is that time of year again - church camp time!  To be specific - Camp Joy time here in England.  It is ALWAYS a wonderful part of our summer any time we are privileged to participate in this special week.This year the theme for the week is     "KING OF CREATION - Jungle Adventure".
     We left on Sunday afternoon just after our morning services at Lighthouse Baptist Church in Carlisle, and after a quick lunch from McDonald's and a LONG load-up of luggage into the car, all 10 of us (in two vans) were finally on the road!  After nearly 6 hours, we arrived at Brimpton Baptist Church.  Our kids were thrilled - to be out of the car AND to finally be at camp!!!

Friday, August 09, 2013

The Little Things in Life....

     The other day we went to the shop to pick up just a few little items for dinner.  We had been out leafletting for the church all day and the kids were tired, hot and hungry!  We made our way through the shop, having a great time along the way, and just as it was time to go, Emily spotted the large floral display at the front of the store!  She was enthralled!  
     We circled around the enormous stand a couple of times looking at and smelling several flowers in turn. She was in LOVE!!  Each flower smelled better than the last!  After a little while, I consented to let her pick out one bouquet to take home with her. She was so happy!
     Now, for the sheer joy it put on my daughter's face, I would have happily paid a small fortune to keep that little joyful smile in place, but Emily did not choose an expensive bouquet.  We finally settled on a small bouquet simply because it had one large pink flower within the small white ones!  The cost: £1!!!! (Of course Daddy was happy with that:)
     Emily carried her flowers to the till as if they were made of glass.  She carried them to the car ever so gently, and even while getting into her car-seat, the flowers were not allowed to be laid on the floor! You would have thought I had found the most precious treasure on earth with the care and tenderness that my little (almost) 4 year old took with these beloved blossoms.  I watched her in amazement.  
     It seems that the littlest things in life can many times be the most wondrous of all!  I think sometimes I forget what great joy I can find through the seemingly "little flowers" in life.  Thank you, my sweet little Emily Jo, for the recent reminder that
 It is sometimes in the little things that God brings us the greatest joy!

Friday, August 02, 2013

World Cup Final

Wednesday, 31 July, 2013

 The final day of Coaching 4 Christ is the World Cup match day!  The kids were so excited - the winners were going to be awarded a medal and a trophy for the top team!  We were all excited!
     Once again, God halted the rain during our 2 hours on the pitch and the kids had a wonderful time playing each other in the bright sunshine. 
     One little boy, Jay, who comes with his Grandma to our church went out to play in the matches.  He was put on a team and the colored vest he was give to wear was much like a little dress on his 5 year old body.  Jay was determined though!

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Well Glory!!! - Day 2 C4C!

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

The second day of our Coaching 4 Christ event went much like the first day. Rain, rain, rain and then...........
So far the week has beat anything I have seen here in the country of England and it was evident to us all that God was showing off just for us...and He was not done yet!

     As near as I could count, we had 20 children on the pitch and at least 5 younger ones on the side-lines.  It was so great to see the kids interest grow as well as their football / soccer skills!  The parents seem to be just as thrilled as we were!

 One of the members of our church,  Douglas, brought his nephew, Oliver, with him for the football.  Oliver is 11 years old and after the football was over on Monday, he told Doug that he would like to speak to Andy about accepting Christ.  Today, after all was said and done, Andy had the wonderful privilege of leading Oliver to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ right there on the grass next to the playing field!  Well Glory!  What a happy time we have had together just rejoicing at the victory won through one soul coming to know Christ!

    Day 2 is over but Oliver's life in Christ is just beginning.  What a joy to know that prayer works!  Faith works!  Love for these children works!
God is always at work!!