Sunshine Day background

Ladies Devotionals


Dear Christian Wife:

First of all, let me say that I, in no way, claim to be an expert in the area of who and what a Christian wife should be.  I do not even claim to be a Bible “expert” but I am, like you, simply a Christian wife who loves her husband and is trying her best to be what God created her to be. 
The Christian home, today, is under attack from Satan.  Our homes are under fire from every worldly direction.  Ladies, if you want your marriage to succeed, you must put up a fight! Marriage is hard work – especially a happy marriage.  You must be ready for a fight! 
I have a passion for the home.  I have a true desire to see our homes be all that God intended them to be.   In the world in which we live, we are seeing 49% of all marriages end in divorce within the first 8 years of marriage.  My heart is broken by this statistic.  The first institute that our Lord created was the institute of marriage.  “In the beginning” God created “male and female” and put them together into a family.  He told them to “be fruitful and multiply”.  He told them to “be one flesh”.  Never in all of God’s careful instructions, did He tell man and woman that if they grew tired of one another, or if they just could not work out their differences, that they could break up the God-ordained institute of marriage.
            Like I said, marriage is hard work!  I can attest to the fact that any marriage that has lasted even a few years has involved times of tears and much prayer.  I know that problems come in any marriage.  Due to our sin nature, we will all fail in one area or another.  What we do when we fail is very important, what we do when our husbands fail is more important.  Will we admit defeat at our failures or will we vow to try again and with God’s grace succeed?  When our husbands fail, will we deem him a failure forever or will we get on our knees and pray for the man with whom God has blessed us to share our lives?
            Dear friend, my prayer is that you will study these devotions with a goal in mind to make your man the hero of your life.  Remember those vows you took one, ten, even forty or fifty years ago and renew your zeal to keep those promises you made to the man you claim to love.
            Keep your Bible handy and study it first and foremost along with these lessons.  In that Book are the answers for any troubled marriage.  That Book also contains the recipe for a continued happy marriage.  My goal is that through these lessons and Bible study you might glean small nuggets of truth to help you as you fulfill your Divine purpose for your husband.
            May God bless you, wife.  Keep praying, keep searching, keep serving, keep loving.  I know that through Christ we can all be the wives we were CREATED TO BE!
Every Blessing,
Amy Sturm
Devoted wife of Missionary Pastor, Andrew Sturm
Carlisle, England




HELP MEET – “a help as his counterpart = a help suitable to him”

TEXT:  Genesis 2:7 – 25

“I know that if I were to just NOT pick up his stuff for one week, we would not even be able to see the floor in this bedroom!”            
            How many times have we thought this or even grumbled it out loud as we are picking up socks, other clothing, papers and books from the floor of our shared bedroom?  I have to admit this thought has crossed my mind several times, - maybe even today!  I do not like clutter and I REALLY do not like it in my bedroom.  If I want my hoarder husband to share my bedroom, I am going to have to help him keep track of those things of which he “needs” to keep on the top of his dresser.  You know what I am talking about.  Those receipts for packs of gum and bottles of water that we cannot throw away just yet are getting piled up.   I can recall one day when I could not take it any long and I cleaned off my husband’s chest of drawers or “Chester” as we have always called it.  You would have thought that I had blown our life savings on hats for the uproar it caused.  The top of the dresser was clean but my husband threatened not to sleep in the same bed with me that night.  Not worth the clean dresser top!  It was a small thing in my eyes, but it was his personal business to him.  In this case, I was not “an help meet” but a hindrance to my husband.  What was unimportant and a mess to me, had been of value to him.   I had taken it upon myself to decide what things of my husband’s were worth keeping and what things were trash.
The fact of the matter is, our Heavenly Father knew our husbands tendencies when He formed him of the dust of the ground.  “In the beginning God” knew that the man He created would not do well on his own.  O, sure, I know there are those “Neat Nicks” out there who are quite organized and obsessively clean, but even those men have wives that they lean on for support in other areas of their lives.
            In our text, we see that God “formed man” (v.7) and then just 11 verses later He saw the one thing in all of creation that He said was “not good” (v.18).  The one thing in all of God’s great creation that was not yet perfect was the fact that the man He had formed in His own image was all alone.   Before Adam even had the chance to leave fruit rinds and potato peelings or apple cores and peach pits all over the Garden of Eden, God spoke and said “…It is not good that the man should be alone;…”
            God formed woman to be “an help meet” for her husband.  The fact of the matter is, ladies, we were made to play second fiddle to our men! I am not saying that women were created as a “doormat” for their husbands, but made to take a “behind the scenes” roll.  When I help my husband succeed, I have attained success.  I feel fulfilled in my roll when I help my husband fulfill God’s will for his life. In good sound Christian homes, the problems we are now seeing are due to the fact that women no longer want to be the support team, but rather the officer in charge. 
            How is your attitude about being your husbands “help meet”?  Are you ready and willing to meet your husbands every need?   You were created to be his helper and support.  This is no belittling task.  You will find that as you begin to meet the needs and desires of you man, you will be happier than you have ever been.  You know yourself, when your hubby us happy, your home is happy. 
Do you want joy in your home?  Become your husband’s helpmeet.  Ask God to make your desires that of your husband’s.  The only way for any creation to have true joy is to be doing what it was created to do.  You were created to be your husband’s helper.  Joy is yours when you fulfill this purpose.




Thrifty – “using money and other resources carefully and not wastefully”


In this current economy, and with 6 children, we constantly see that there is always more “month at the end of the money!”  God always provides and we have never gone hungry, but there is rarely surplus.  God promised in His Word that if we are faithful and pay our bills and those to whom we owe money He will provide our food and clothing. I can attest to God’s provision time and time again as we have always been clothed and fed.  At times, we knew that our next groceries would have to come through an act of Providence and God has never disappointed our family.  I must say those are some of the most exciting times in my life. When you have no other recourse and you are wholly dependent upon God, it can be very exciting to see what He is going to do.  Is it stressful, sure, but God has yet to fail us.  As my preacher brother, Tim, told me years ago “This is not God’s first day on the job.”
            In God’s provision for our family, we also know that it is our duty to be wise stewards of the finances and abilities He has blessed us with.  As a woman, our domain is the home.  Yes, the king of the castle is our husbands, but truth be told, usually he allows us, the queen, to have the say in household matters. 
 I know good and well how much my husband wants to please me.  I have to be careful what I ask him for because he will go to great lengths to get that “want” for me.  We, as women, know how to get the things we want from our husbands.  We must be careful to want or at least ask for only those things that we can responsibly afford.  Our own desires can harm the financial future of our homes.
            Being missionaries in a country where the exchange rate causes us to lose one-third to one-half of our income, things can get interesting in the area of finances.  At times, it is hard not knowing what your next payday will bring, but I have a husband who is like a circus clown when it comes to juggling the finances of our household.   I must say I am grateful to God for my husband’s wisdom.
            Growing up in a preacher’s family, I was taught thrifty spending from a young age.  My mother often dropped me off at the grocery store with just enough money and a shopping list and I purchased the groceries for our family for the week.  These times were invaluable to me as I learned quickly how to budget and make a menu for our family.  Now, as an adult, wife and mother, I know I have the trust of my husband when it comes to the finances of our house.  I do not have to sneak and buy things that I have to hide from my husband.  He trusts me to make wise decisions in the area of spending for our home.
            I am blessed to have three sisters-in-law who are all “coupon queens”.  I must admit I am a bit jealous of their ability to clip coupons and then go to the various shops and walk away with free items quite regularly.  The stores in the country of England, where we live, are not as generous with their coupons.  I know my brothers are so proud of their wives and the way they handle the shared financial responsibility of their perspective households.  My elder brother is a pastor with 7 children, my younger preacher brother has a son and twin girls and my baby brother has two children and is in pharmacy school.  Each separate home is unique in their need to pinch pennies at every corner, but they do so in such a way that their homes are not lacking in any area and each have been blessed because of their wisdom and responsibility.
            In our own home, we have done many creative projects to make inexpensive gifts for family members and friends.  Each year the kids and I make our Christmas cards for all our supporting churches as well as our family.  It saves us as well as unites all the kids in a project for someone else.
My older brother’s wife, April, purchases Christmas gifts all through the year as she finds things on sale.  By August of each year she is usually finished with Christmas shopping. This savings helps their household of 9 people. (It also makes the rest of us jealous as we rush around at the last minute for our Christmas giftsJ)
My middle brother’s wife, Karla, makes her own baby wipes as well as laundry soap – and a host of other household items – to save the family budget through the month.  She also has a very successful online hair-bow boutique that brings in extra income for the family.  The bows are beautiful, by the way, and her adorable twin, blonde toddler models help the bows look even lovelier.  I am sure they inspire fun and creativity in making the bows as wellJ (
My baby brother’s wife, Erin, has become very proficient in online sales as well as making gorgeous wedding cakes.  These amazing skills help the financial situation in their home.  With my brother finished pharmacy school, I am sure every little helps.
My own mother did many beautiful crafts and sold them at boutiques and craft fairs all during my growing up years.  I can remember clipping coupons on a Sunday afternoon for her as well.  I now look back amazed at how she made our groceries stretch each week!
I believe each of these women to be great examples of the Proverbs 31 woman.  We see the financial wisdom of the Proverbs 31 woman when in verse 16 it reads, “she considereth a field, and buyeth it:”. This woman was not just a beautiful ornament of grace for her husband, but she is very smart and aids in the finances of her home. 
You may work outside the home, or you may be a stay at home mom or wife.  Either way, you can have a part in the financial success of your home.  Remember, you husband loves you and wants to satisfy your needs and desires.  You can be the tool that strengthens or tears apart the financial foundation of your home.

                                                PENNY PINCHING TIPS

1.     Homemade laundry soap – many recipes online and usually a large quantity yield in every recipe.  (Recipe at the end of the book)
2.     Use fabric softener on laundry – the colors of clothing do not fade as fast, thus lengthening the life of your clothes.  Very helpful if you have multiple children and keep clothes for hand-me-downs. (Plus they smell wonderfulJ)
3.     Dry laundry on the line or on racks – weather permitting, drying laundry outside can and will cut down on your electricity bills as well as make you take a moment or two to get outdoorsJ Even a small drying rack inside next to a heater or on a warm day, will keep you from having to run the dryer.  The dryer, iron and hairdryer all use large quantities of electricity.
4.     Homemade baby wipes – if you have little ones still using baby wipes on a daily basis, this tip is for you.  My sister-in-law taught me her recipe and we made these together.  I loved the smell of the wipes as well as how soft they were – not to mention the financial savings.  These wipes will cost you about .50 per pack (less if you have a coupon for the ingredientsJ).  Tough to beat that price even with a coupon (Recipe at the end of the book)
5.     Coupon clipping.  Now I am not one of those “extreme couponing” queens, but I do believe clipping those coupons will increase your household savings.  There are websites, newspapers, magazines, etc. out there that will happily send you vouchers / coupons on a regular basis.  To do this well, it does require organization and time so make sure it is time well spent.
6.     Turn down the heat.  In winter, don a sweater and wear slippers inside instead of turning up the thermostat. Just keeping the temperature one or two degrees lower can cut the overall cost of your heating bill in the winter. (Now, I do NOT advocate freezing to death all winter – be logicalJ)




ONE FLESH – “used to refer to the spiritual and physical union of two people in a relationship, especially marriage:

TEXT:  Genesis 2:21-25 – “one flesh”
              Genesis 31:4-35

Here again, we have another lesson to learn from the life of poor Rachel.  She is finally forced to leave her father’s house.  The sons of Laban (her brothers) are now striving with Jacob’s herdsmen and the land just cannot contain the enormity of their combined livestock. 
Rather than fight family feuds, Jacob decides that it is time he take his family away from Uncle Laban and make a life for his “clan” elsewhere.  He speaks to his wives and they both agree – you are our husband and we will follow you wherever you lead.  There is nothing left for us in our father’s house.
Just before Rachel is to leave her father and the only life she has ever known, she decides to take the false idols from her father.  Even after all of her father’s betrayal and trickery, she still desires to take a part of him with her.  These were the symbols of her father’s family and their false worship, but she still decided to take them with her into her new life.
Rachel was to leave father and mother and cleave only to her husband just as God commands us when we get married, but she decides to take a part of her father with her.  She makes a last-ditched effort to cling to the upbringing of her father.  Good or bad she still wanted that bond with her father.  Rachel keeps a small portion of herself back from her husband – and from the Lord.
Maybe she did this out of spite to her father.  Maybe she did it out of spite for her husband.  We are not told the reasoning, but there is definitely a lesson to be learned here.  Maybe it was due to being jilted in her marriage.  Maybe it was due to not having children right away or having to share her husband. Whatever the reason, she stole from her father and then did not tell her husband.  Even when Jacob threatened to kill the person with which the idols were found.   Jacob never guessed that Rachel could do something so disrespectful to her own father.
            Rachel kept part of herself back from Jacob.  Her whole heart was not surrendered to the will of her husband.  She preferred to cling to the traditions and upbringing of her family rather than start a new life and “adventure” with her husband and making God first of all.
            How many times in your marriage have you had those moments of “heated fellowship” with your husband over “traditions” with which you both grew up?  You know the times I am talking about:
 “We always put the tree up on Christmas Eve!”
 “Well, we always put it up the day after Thanksgiving!”
Or how about the classic conversations:
            “My mother always cooked the ham this way.”
“Well, that is fine, but my mother fixed it this way and it is just SO much better that way!”
You say, “No, do not eat that can of tuna on an upset stomach”
He says “I’m just gonna call my mom real quick to see what she says about it.”
You respond, “Tell her also that SHE can come clean up the mess!”

            Oh, I am sure you can hear the similar conversation that you had with your husband going on in your head right now.  You know those early marriage conversations that get us into trouble?!  We have all had them, but early on in marriage, the “slip of the tongue” seems to be a bit easier to forgive.
            It is okay to make new traditions with your own family – your husband is that family!  Now, there is absolutely nothing wrong with holding on to family traditions – as long as those traditions are agreed on by both you AND your husband.
            To be honest, I am all about family traditions.  I had a wonderful upbringing and I loved being able to plan on the next Christmas time going downtown to see all of the lights and the model train display.  Christmas shopping all day with my family and then going home to wrap presents together.  Us kids – me and my three brothers – looked forward to it every year.  This and many other traditions graced my childhood.
            Now, as a mother, I would love for my children to be able to experience some of the same or similar traditions but I have to be careful.  I want my traditions to involve those desires and traditions of my husband as well.  I also love it that our family has now created new traditions together.  My husband has never tried to steer me away from my childhood family traditions, but I never want to be so focused on “the way we always did this” that I forget to be “one flesh” with my own husband.  I have to remind myself that the way things became a tradition in our family is that my mother and father started doing something together and taught it to us.  I want my children to have the best of both.  My husband and my families’ traditions as well as our own family’s traditions developed during their childhood. 
            May we, as wives, never be so bent on “keeping the family traditions alive” that we ignore our husbands desires to create a new life together with your own ideas and goals.  May we never use deceit or keep part of ourselves back from our husbands just to be able to hold to the “old family way of life.”  Rachel had to resort to lying to her husband and theft to keep part of her father and family faith with her.  It was idol worship and was a sin against God, but Rachel was willing to risk it.   Obviously, we should not desire to hold on to family traditions that go against God’s law, but on the other hand, we should not desire to hold on to every childhood tradition to the point that we risk our relationship and closeness with our husband – our new family.  There does need to be a delicate balance brought about by prayer and discussion with your husband regarding those values that you BOTH desire to pass on as your legacy together.
            Now, please do not misunderstand me, I am ALL for a legacy of Christian faith and principles.  I am all for passing on those traditions and practices that will matter for eternity.  What I am talking about in this lesson is the basic human traditions that shape our lives.  What are YOU willing to risk to keep YOUR family traditions?
            Remember, you are not turning your back on your mother and father by not baking the pineapple-upside-down-cake for Thanksgiving each year even though great, great, great Aunt Margaret invented the recipe herself!  Ask yourself, is this what both my husband and I will want to carry on for our family?  Become one flesh with your husband in all matters.  Let him know that a life with him and sharing common goals and growth in Christ with him is the most important tradition you want your children to learn from you.




Compassionate – “feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others”

TEXT: Jude 22

I am the first one to admit that I am a terrible nurse.  If you were to ask my husband to name my biggest flaw (and I am sure he would not want to, ha) I am confident he would say that I am not very compassionate toward him when he is ill.  I cannot say exactly why I am this way, but I must say that I struggle in this area. 
            Just over 10 years ago, my husband underwent surgery to remove his entire large intestine.  He has an inherited disease call FAP, and the short version is that it is 100% chance of colon cancer without this surgery.  When he underwent this major operation, I suddenly became mommy AND daddy to three small children.  The man, whom I had married and looked to as my only hero besides my own father, was now an invalid.  After 18 days in the hospital and then 6 months of recovery, I grew tired of being both parents.  I grew tired of doing all the chores because he could not lift anything and I saw it all as a bit unfair.  Here my husband lay on the couch and slept all day and I had to do everything!  My husband, whom I love with all my heart, was in pain and feeling very low and I struggled to find compassion for him.  My lack of compassion was shown to me very blatantly one day about two weeks after my husband came home from the hospital. 
            Andy had been complaining of pain for a day or two and since I just felt he needed to “suck it up and take it” I paid little heed to his moans.  Finally in tears and on his knees he asked me to take him to the hospital.  I remember saying “ Are you sure you need to go to the hospital?”  Crazy as it sounds now, I thought he was just over-reacting. 
Finally we took him to the hospital and after several tests, discovered that along with his scars and pain from his surgery, he now had a kidney stone!  We tell this story now with a laugh at my attitude, but it is a sobering thought. 
            Four of my 6 children also have this disease and will have to undergo this surgery in their mid to late teens.  I thought how I would feel if my children were treated as I felt about my husband.  What if they one day married spouses who could not understand their pain and had no compassion for their condition?  The thought brought me to my knees.  I know that God has put my husband and I together and no matter what, we are to be there for each other.
            On a daily basis, I still struggle with the issue of compassion as my husband has constant health issue and many bad days.  I continue to pray for a tender heart and the strength to be what I need to be to my husband and my children in every area. 
            Have you ever been in this position?  Have you ever nursed a man with a cold…or “man flu”?  They always think they are on the verge of death.  That is a man and he needs you to show compassion and understanding.  It has always amazed me that as strong and unwavering as our men are, a little cold can bring them to their knees.  Their world stops with a sniffle, when we have to go on caring for them and the children even in the midst of stomach flu or walking pneumonia! 
I remember my own mother having a cold with a terrible cough. She had been coughing for some time and apparently irritating my father. He finally looked to her and said, “Would you cough right!”  He shocked them both at the ridiculousness of that request and they both laughed about it.  That is how we all feel at times when having to be compassionate to others.  True, it may not always seem fair, but obedience to God’s Word is not based on “if it is fair to you”.
            Try to show your husband compassion.  When he has had a hard day, show compassion.  You may have been at home with screaming or sick children all day with ALL the chores to do, but still, show compassion.  Remember that he has not been there all day.  He has not seen all you had to go through.  You will receive all the attention and care that you are seeking if you will show compassion toward your husband.  When he is satisfied that you truly care for him, he will lay the world at your feet in return.

                              CREATED TO BE…


TRUSTWORTHY – “worthy of trust or belief; taking responsibility for one’s conduct and obligations”
TRUST – “assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone of something;  one in which confidence is placed;  dependence on something”


            In our text here, we see how the Proverbs 31 woman is given the trust of her husband because she has apparently proven herself to be very chaste and trustworthy.  This Scripture tells us that she holds the trust of “the heart of her husband”.  This influential man knew that he could hand his heart fully over to the love of his life because she had shown she was a trustworthy, faithful woman.
            In today’s society, where “little white lies” are part of the building blocks of most marriages, it is ever more so important that you act in such a way as to assure your husband that there is no reason to ever doubt your actions or your words.  It is worth the effort to be sure that you and your husband have the utmost trust in one another – even in the smallest matters.
My younger brother, Tim, once worked for a car garage and, at times, he had drive customers to or from their car or home.  If the customer was a lady, he always made it a point to place her in the back seat and then he would phone his wife when he left with the lady and when he dropped her off.  Everything was always very proper and innocent, but this way his reputation was always guarded and his wife was always aware of her husband’s comings and goings. This simple action kept a secure line of trust between husband and wife.  Sure, my brother and his wife trusted one another to be faithful, but this way there was never a question as to whom they were with or where they were going.  It was a way that my brother assured his wife that she could trust him.  He made sure that she knew his comings and goings during the day.  I have never forgot my brother telling us of this and I have often admired him for this act and much more.  Both husband and wife in this instance were so careful to keep even my brother’s work situation very proper.  My brother is a preacher of the Gospel and I believe with all my heart that Satan is out to attack preachers just as he always has been.  I think it very wise to guard my preacher husband just as my sister-in-law did for my brother.  Tim proved himself a very trustworthy husband and even went over and beyond to make sure his wife had no need to worry.  Karla, my sister-in-law, helped protect her husband’s reputation not just for that day, but, for his future ministry. 
If you go places that you cannot tell your husband about, you should not be going there!  If you spend more money than you can honestly tell your husband about, you should not be spending that money.  It is the same thing as lying to spend money on a new outfit and then hide it in your closet for a few months until it is “old” enough for your husband not to notice.  This is not the conduct of a trustworthy wife.
If you husband has asked you to handle some household affair, be sure to follow through.  Your man should be able to count on you to complete the task he has asked you to do.  No, he is not your “task master” but he is your partner and just as you expect him to keep his word and follow through with his promises to you, the same should be true for you as well.  Make sure that your husband knows he can trust you to keep your word.  If you say you are going to take care of a particular matter, be sure to complete it.
We are all human, but as Christian humans, we have the Holy Spirit to guide us in all affairs.  We are under obligation to show ourselves honest, trustworthy woman of God. 
Your prayer should be to receive Holy Spirit conviction on a daily basis to be the wife that your husband can fully trust with his whole heart.  This kind of trust leads to a long, content and happy marriage.  This kind of trust is pleasing not only to you and your husband, but to your Heavenly Father. 
Do you want the blessings of God on your marriage?  I believe we would all answer “YES!” to this question.  I challenge you not to allow anything between you and your man that could taint that delicate institution that is Marriage.  Determine today that your husband’s heart will always be able to “safely trust” in you.  There is no greater freedom than living in the confines of honesty and trust with God and the most important human man in your life – your husband!




FANATIC:  “a person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning enthusiasm, as for a cause.”
FAN: “a person who has a strong -interest in or admiration for a particular sport, art or entertainment form, or famous person”

TEXT:  Song of Solomon 5:8-16

Each year as fall approaches, there is an almost “electricity” around our house as my husband looks forward to the upcoming football season.  The footballs come out of the shed and backyard games are often seen around our house. Myself, I look forward to late Sunday and Monday evenings curled up in my bed reading or watching a “chick flick” with no teasing!  Living in England, the time difference means that all the professional football games come on quite late and into the wee hours of the next morning.  My husband will record the games if necessary to be sure he gets to see them all!  My husband is a die-hard “cheese-head” AKA a Green Bay Packers fan!  He will wear the jersey and even a silly foam piece of cheese on his head for the big games!  We even have one room in our home devoted to Green Bay Packers memorabilia!  These mementos have all been hand picked by my husband to show the enthusiasm he has for “his team”.  Delusional or not, my husband goes out of his way to show everyone the team he supports….whether or not he sees that the Dallas Cowboys are the best team! (ha) This is being a true “fan or fanatic” for a reason or cause!
            Dear wife, do you go out of your way to show the world the man that you support?  Do you brag on him to others?  Would you become a fanatic for your man?  Have you ever gone out of your way to show your man how proud you are of him?  Is there any space – even in your heart – that you have devoted just to him? 
            Since we were dating, I have kept a large box with little bits and pieces of things that I have either received from my husband or have gotten while out with him.  I even have a 6” spike from a flat tire my husband changed for me while we were engaged!  I have brought this box out a couple of times to show to our children and we always have a good time remember those special times together.  I want my children to know what a wonderful man their father is and always has been to me!  I want them to see how special I count my relationship with their daddy.  I am a huge fan of my hubby!
            I have a missionary cousin who is ministering in Spain with his wife and two sons.  While I love my cousin Justin and am SO proud of him, I will never see all that his wife, Grace, sees in him.  I have never met another wife who is such a fan of her husband as Grace is to Justin.  Never, have I heard her belittle him or speak derogatory of him and in fact, it is quite the opposite!  Every small thing that Justin does, Grace is by his side letting everyone know how wonderful he is and what a great job he is doing.  After being around the two of them for a very short amount of time, I can see how proud this wife is of the husband God has blessed her with.  It is not an obnoxious kind of bragging, but yet a sincere, heart-felt praise for her man!  I admire Grace for the way she is a “fanatic” for Justin!  In turn, Grace is treated with such love and respect.  What a special relationship I see between these two.
            Are you your husband’s biggest fan?  Do you praise his efforts and accomplishments?  Remember, you are one half of a team!  If you do not show confidence in the captain of your team, that captain will waver.  When you show you are a fan of your husband, you will lift his spirits and renew his zeal to make you proud of the man you support.  The Bible tells us in Psalm 33:1 “…praise is comely…”.  It is a good thing!
            Make an effort to brag on the man God has blessed you with.  Let those around you know how wonderful you believe your husband to be.  You would be amazed at how far that bragging will go in the heart of your husband.  In every man, there are great qualities that can be enhanced by a bit of boasting from the one he loves.  Your belief in his abilities will rub off on him and he will see that he is capable of even greater things! Be careful – if you don’t see those wonderful qualities in your man – someone else might!  Don’t allow anyone else to be your husband’s number one fan.  Show your husband how much you love him and are proud of the efforts he makes on your behalf.  Brag on him as a husband, father, lover and friend.  Little notes, soft gestures and even sweet texts will go the extra mile toward letting your mate know that he is the ONLY one for you. Make sure your man knows that YOU are his biggest fan! 


Patti Curington said...

Our ladies look forward to these each week. Love them!

Unknown said...

That is just so encouraging:) I hope to have the whole book done in the next month or two, Lord willing:)