Have you ever just had "One of those days?" You are just going about your usual business and then BAM! you get blindsided by the iron will of your three-year-old? Well that happened to us today!
This morning's services were great - as usual. We even had two first time visitors! Always WONDERFUL! The message was all about pastoral responsibilities to the church and why the pastor works, stresses and cares the way that he does. It was very good and, as our folks are used to seeing, my husband / pastor showed his heart for the members of our church. I always love when Brieanna has Sunday School because it means that I have the rare opportunity to sit through a whole sermon! All in all a great Sunday!
We arrived back home and since Emily had fallen asleep in the car, she awoke, as soon as shut off the van engine. I carried her inside and set her down to take off her own shoes and tights. I thought all was well when Emily began calling to me that she was stuck! Assuming that she had tried to take her tights off with the shoes still on, I came to see if I could help.
I stepped into the "f-utility" room where Emily stood and saw that she had her shoes and tights off but that she was only standing on one foot and holding the other foot off the ground. She said that her knee was hurt. Well, girls being - well, girls, and the drama queens that we can be, I gave her a little attention, carried her to a chair and then went about getting lunch for everyone. I was completely unaware that this was just the beginning.....
The day went on and Emily began to crawl around the house. She refused to walk or straighten her leg AT ALL no matter what! She had to be carried from one place to another and of course the luggage she always has to have at her side had to be carried as well. Being the baby, she got away with it most of the afternoon. To be honest, I was more frustrated than concerned. She could bend iher leg and crawl around the house, but she would not straighten it out all the way or put weight on it to stand up. Finally, Andy decided that we needed to take her to A&E - Accidend & Emergency (The English version of the ER). UGH! We were both so wary of taking her to the hospital because she seemed fine at times, and then she would complain about pain in her knee. We had given her medicine, but it had not seemed to have helped. It is so hard to get straight answers from a three-year-old but what if she were really injured and we did nothing? So, we did what any loving parent would do
....begged her to stand on it, bribed her to walk a few steps with us, even tried to surprise her into standing up
- nothing worked! It was off to the A&E for a long night of waiting around to see the doctor.
We got to A&E and even in the parking lot we hesitated and tried to get Emily to walk - NOPE! This girl was either VERY strong willed or actually injured. So we went on inside...
After waiting for the first 30 minutes, a nurse finally came to the children's waiting room (with a bucket of day old vomit, I might add!!!) to take a look at Emily's leg.
The nurse said "Can you stand up for me, Emily"
Emily stood!!!
"Can you walk to me Emily?"
Emily walked to the nurse without a limp or hint of pain!!!
Andy and I sat there with our mouths open feeling completely foolish! Emily gave a little smile and went back to playing! The nurse admitted that kind of thing happens quite often, but since we were already there and signed in, we would still see the doctor.
After another hour to an hour and a half, we finally left the hospital with our ABSOLUTELY FINE DAUGHTER WHO CRIED WOLF! She saw the doctor twice, had some medicine, and an X-ray. Sheesh! Emily actually said as we were leaving " I want to stay and play with these toys!" NO WAY!
Andy and I could not help but say as we walked back to our van "We spent all of this time and effort to contract some stomach virus or such germ!" I did have the forethought to stock my handbag with antibacterial hand sanitizer which we all doused ourselves with after handling the pink "toy-phoid Mary" bear and the "Lego-your stomach contents" bricks! Ewww!
At the end of the day - we love our kids! We will move Heaven and Earth to make sure they are taken care of and well. Today was just another example of the lengths we will go to assure ourselves of their health and wellbeing. I have to admit that I am thankful that Emily is walking again and that I stand in awe at her acting abilities!!! What will God have in store for her future??? Take a deep breath Mama, it might be a bumpy ride....:)
1 comment:
All I can say is LOL! Love you and our little Emmy (so properly nick-named!)
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