I have always heard people say "You can never go home again". Meaning, home is just never the same once you leave. I know that to be true, and we have happily make England our home. We love it there! I do have to admit though, that each and every time we come back to little, old Amelia, Ohio, USA and the amazing folks at Central Baptist Church, I feel like I have come home!
My parents live at the parsonage (manse) that I grew up in and it feels so comfortable and "homey". I immediately remember favorite childhood times and happy family holidays together in this home. I can even see little (and big:) dents in doors, etc that us kids put there when we were growing up. Each nook and cranny of this place holds special memories for me. It is home! Not my current home, but still home to so many happy memories.
My father has been the pastor of Central Baptist Church of Amelia, Ohio for 32 years now! This church was really the only church I knew growing up. The pews and the classrooms hold a special place in my heart. I care for the Central Baptist Church building, but the Church itself - the dear people - I love with all my heart! So many of these church members have been around most of my life. They helped me grow up. They taught me in Sunday School, I worked on bus routes along-side them and together, we served the Lord. I learned to be a productive Christian through their example. Again, I have to say,
I love my Central Baptist Church family!
Our first Sunday here in the USA I had the joy of watching my husband preach behind my father's pulpit - well, if you know Andy, you also know he spent little time actually "behind" the pulpit ;) This past Sunday, I had the privilege of hearing my own father preach once more! What a JOY! I will never tire of his jokes - though I have heard them countless times. I still laugh each time! I love his passion and love for the Word of God. I am thankful for a heritage such as my children and I are blessed.

1 comment:
Welcome back HOME :)
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