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Monday, October 21, 2013

God Is Still Calling Men....

This past week at the Bible Conference in Arbroath, Scotland was just what our family needed....and we really did not even know it.  We had just gotten in the country after an awesome time back in America with family and friends.  We actually were on "cloud nine" and excited about getting back in to the work here in Carlisle.  We have been planning to attend the meeting in Arbroath since last year's meeting, so we were excited to be going.  I will admit that we were still a bit jet lagged, but still, we were so looking forward to seeing missionary families, national pastor families as well as many other great friends here in the UK.  We knew we were in for a great time of fellowship and preaching.  What we did not expect is what God would do with it all in the life of my oldest son....
     There is too much to go into about how God blessed our hearts through the preaching, singing and fellowship of the week.  We came home full and ready to, once again, minister to the people God has put with us here in Carlisle.  Our children also came home from the meeting with renewed spirits.  Late Friday night, 18 October 2013, AJ and I were talking about just how God had spoken to us during the meeting.
     Now, my AJ has always wanted to be a preacher "just like his daddy" but there has never been a time when he has confirmed to us that God was actually calling him and it was not just a childhood desire.  Friday night as AJ and I spoke, he became quite serious as to how the Lord was dealing with his tender heart.   
     I began to try to advise my son as best I could, but ultimately told him that he should speak with his pastor / father.  About that time, Andy came into the room and I told AJ "Tell Daddy what you have been telling me."  It was there and then that my son uttere the words that I had yet to hear him put together.  AJ said "God is calling me to preach."  Andy asked him "Well, son, what are you going to do about it?"  AJ calmly responded "I am going to be a preacher."
     If I thought the flow of tears had gone dry from a very emotional week of fellowship and worshipping together with Christian friends, I was SO wrong!  I boo-hooed like a baby and hugged my son telling him how proud I am of him!
     Andy took AJ to the other room and they knelt and wept together and had prayer.  Andy and I did the same when he came back to the room I was in.  What a truly special time!  I am still quite a bit in awe!
     I say it over and over again, but it is still true.  We serve an amazing Creator!  We worship an awesome Saviour!  God is good ALL the time!  I cannot express how truly blessed I feel to know that God is going to use my son to preach the Gospel.  My cup runneth over!
     AJ is so very excited to write and preach his first sermon.  It is truly a joy to watch his spirit as he begins this training time of his life to get prepared to go and do and become what God has called him!
Well Glory!


Patti Curington said...

Although I got to talk to Andrew "in person" and have him tell me - I still had to read the second half of this post through tears. God is so amazing and it renews my spirit to see that He is STILL calling young men who are tender enough to heed to His voice to preach. Our 3rd grandson called to the ministry! Glory is right!

Unknown said...

"I have a goodly heritage"