Well, the time is almost here…..Brie is scheduled to go in for the reversal surgery here in just two days! It just seems so unreal, yet we are all so ready!
The past almost 12 weeks have been a myriad of triumphs and trials, stumbles and progress, giggles and tears. I have cried and laughed with Brieanna. We have giggled at the strange noises coming from "Steve the Stoma" on a daily basis and we have tried to help Brie endure the pain and, yes, even embarrassment, she has felt through the changes her body has suffered.

A couple of weeks ago, Brie was told that the reversal surgery ( to connect the small bowel with the newly formed internal pouch and close up the stoma area) would not be until March 4, 2014! She was nearly devastated. I watched the frustration, tears and even bit of anger pass over my daughter's face. She was so ready to get this next phase of the surgery done and over with so that she could move on with her life, and now it was going to be postponed for another 2 months! Yes, definitely not a life sentence, but to a young almost-sixteen-year-old-girl, it seemed like ages away! Like it or not, Brie accepted the date and tried to settle in for the next two months. Within a week, she got a letter through the post that said she was to come to the hospital on January 28, 2014 at 7:45am for the surgery. I quickly confirmed the date with the doctor's secretary and we were all set! The entire family is thrilled!
Drop the other shoe…..

Of all the days, my husband and my eldest daughter will both be going into the Royal Victoria Infirmary on the same day within 15 minutes of one another! It just seems ludicrous! As hard as it is to get these things scheduled, we did not want to cancel either one of them. Unfortunately, both Andy and Brie will be going under anesthesia and will need to have someone to be with them. Andy will be released from the hospital later on in the day, but he cannot drive himself home, so he must be released into the care of someone. I will be on the other side of the hospital with Brieanna. Hectic times for sure!
We are blessed to have dear friends in our lives. One such friend is missionary pastor Kent Gossmeyer (and his wonderful family) who is serving in Liskeard (Cornwall), England. Bro Kent has volunteered to drive 6 hours up to our home on Monday, then go with us to the hospital on Tuesday morning, sit with Andy and then drive him back home when he is finished! It is a lot of work and effort from this dear friend and we find we are blown away by his kindness and generosity towards our family. We are blessed to know such a friend and very thankful that God has seen fit to intertwine our lives together.
We have had sweet offers from the Wickens family as well. They are a precious preacher family serving in Brimpton, England. They have offered to come sit with me at the hospital or even come get our younger children and take them to their home for a few days if it was needed. We are amazed at their kindness.
Of course, our friends and church family here in Carlisle have been so sweet as well. We had a special prayer for Brie today at the close of the service and everyone has let us know that they are willing to help in any way should we need them during the week while Brie is in hospital. We are blessed beyond measure to have such people in our lives and in our church family! God has been only good to our family!
Okay, so I have gone through the craziness of it all to say that we are still blessed! Our prayers, even for an earlier surgery date and answers for Andy, are being answered! Sure, answers from God do not always come in the way we believe they will come, but He has a way of working things out so that we recognize that it could have ONLY been He who brought about the outcome. Once again, I stand in awe of the God we serve!
Tuesday, January 28, 2014 may bring with it some crazy, hectic times, but I know it also brings with it the result of much prayer from God's people and moving of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Once more, God has shown me that He is in control - in the big and little things of our lives. He simply steps in and takes over - especially in those areas where I fail to see His plan.
He is constantly reminding me in that that "still, small voice" "My child, I got this!"
I am ever thankful!
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