When my morning is crazy and we are rushing here and there - usually on a Sunday, of course - I know I will have at least one clean spot for a child to sit to put on his or her shoes - MY BED! This may seem insignificant to some, but to those parents out there who have lost a child's shoe or sock beneath the mass of twisted quilts and pillows - you will understand!! A tidy surface is needed for such tasks and as we get older, squatting on the floor is just not as easy! ha!
We also have A LOT of company in and out of our revolving door:) We LOVE to have folks come visit - whether it is just for the occasional afternoon cuppa, a day of BBQ, or week-long visits, we love to have friends around. Now, as much fun
as it is to have friends and their precious kiddos around the house, it can, at times, lead to a very hectic day. It is during these times that my bedroom - with my bed all made up - becomes my little oasis. It is not much, but I love to be able to enter my bedroom on yet another crazy day and heave a sign of calm. It is nice to enter my room and see that all is in it's place.
as it is to have friends and their precious kiddos around the house, it can, at times, lead to a very hectic day. It is during these times that my bedroom - with my bed all made up - becomes my little oasis. It is not much, but I love to be able to enter my bedroom on yet another crazy day and heave a sign of calm. It is nice to enter my room and see that all is in it's place.
TIDY is one of my favorite words - just as my kids;)
A made bed give the room a feel of "tidiness" - even if the hubby's dresser is still covered with old receipts and gum wrappers! To me, a made-up bed finishes off the room. Even if there are shoes on the floor or laundry in the corner, the "made-up bed" - the largest item in the room - makes the entire area seem orderly.
In my sometimes chaotic world, I like to feel like I have a little oasis - a small escape to run to. Now, that escape may only be to use the bathroom or grab my shoes, but the calm I gather upon entering at least one room where I do not step on a Legos, Thomas trains, Polly Pocket or Lalaloopsy heads is worth the 30 seconds it take to make my bed each day! I have to say for my own sanity it is...
You know our home well, Mom:)
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