It has been 6 weeks since Brieanna's surgery. She is dealing well with each day as it comes. She has gotten use to the fact that we have to change her external bag and clean the stoma area each morning. She has even gotten use to emptying the bag and has adjusted to the pain of stitches pulling and even the necessity to sit on a pillow at all times. On the outside, Brieanna has done so well and her body is healing nicely. We are awaiting word from the doctor in January 2014 to be called to the hospital to have the reversal surgery and put her all together again. =) For this news, our whole family is so thankful.
Emotions are funny things, though.
Brieanna has never been a very emotional person. Now, that is not to say that she does not feel things deeply, on the contrary. Brie feels things so strongly, but her face does not always give away her inward feelings.
Two nights ago, exactly 6 weeks from the day of her surgery, I was helping Brie to change her stoma bag before bedtime and the dam burst……
The stoma has been giving Brie trouble for the past couple of days and so has been quite painful for Brie. It has been very irritated and has made the skin around it quite red and raw. I had just finished cleaning the stoma and replacing the bag when Brie spoke up. I heard this little voice say "Why can't I just be normal? I feel like everyone is just looking at me!"
I have to admit I was surprised by this from Brieanna. My strong, sensible child was asking me why she has to be different from everyone else. She began to cry and began to share how she was struggling.
" I cannot teach my Sunday School class because I cannot stand for that long and control the kids. I cannot sit in a normal chair at church and I have to sit on pillows the whole time. I could not even sit with everyone at our Christmas dinner at church!"
I had seen it on Sunday. We celebrated our annual church Christmas dinner and gift exchange and Brie sat in her soft chairs with her pillows most of the day - away from most of the folks and fellowship. My daughter felt like she was on the outside looking in to where her life was moving on, but all she can do is sit and watch.
Our church family is a very loving one! I have seen all of them go out of their way to check on Brie and to speak with her at church. In truth, they have all been wonderful! Our church family is fun-loving and compassionate and Brie knows they all care for her. Still, she felt alone in this family due to her inability to "be like everyone else". This mother's heart went out to my child in a way so hard to describe. I ached for her sensitive heart.
Of course, I rushed to assure Brie that her situation is temporary. Soon she will be back to herself once more. No one is looking at her any differently. In truth, the stoma bag is not noticeable at all to anyone looking. Convincing a hurting 15 year old of all these facts is rather difficult. We prayed together and cried together and even laughed together as I pointed out that "you don't remembet the normal people! It is always those different people that stand out in your mind! Even the Bible is full of not-so- normal people. They were normal people
made very special by the trials and situations God allowed them to go through. Brie, that makes you special!"
made very special by the trials and situations God allowed them to go through. Brie, that makes you special!"
This I believe with ALL my heart!
"What's so special about normal anyway??!!"
Normal, in your house with your hubby!!! Poor Brie, she had done so well. Soon she'll get it sorted and can start on a new road of "normal". Xx
Such a sweetheart - ache for her, but God is good and surgery in 2 weeks to get this all put back to "normal". Brie, you look amazing!!!
Heather - yes, "normal" with Andy is ah - different, but never dull!! :)
Mom, yes - now it is two days and she is going to be put back together - time has flown and she has been amazing through it all! God is good!
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