It is amazing how, some times (okay, most times), our minds just run wild with thoughts of how certain situations will play out. To be honest, I just could not imagine today's events. Would we be running all over the hospital checking on Brieanna who was having her small bowel put back together and stoma stitched closed and then back to the other side of the hospital to check on Andy who was having upper and lower GI scopes performed? Maybe I would just be sitting in a waiting room for news on one or the other? I honestly did not know how it would all work out. Would I be a nervous wreck? Would I cry or be scared? Others emotions can be hard to gauge at times, but your own emotions? Surely I should know my own response. Not always the case, I am finding out. Especially not when that extra measure of grace appears!
This hectic, tiring day was not about us and our worries and fears getting the best of us. It was not about confusion and stress over trying situations. Today was all about our beloved family members getting the help their bodies needed. There was no stress or "freaking out". I can truthfully say that today went smoothly and without hiccups. As I look back on things, there is no question as to why the day was so smooth…...
GRACE showed up!
I did not feel a "mighty rushing wind" sweep through the hospital. I did not see a glow from above over our family. What I did see was a peace over my husband and my daughter's face. I did feel the prayers of our friends and family - God's people - at work right before me. In an instant, one thought was brought to mind that I have always known:
I can honestly say this day has been as exhausting as we thought it would be, but also amazing as we look back on how God showed up!
Both Andy and Brieanna were able to get into their appointment on time. After explaining to the nurses that his daughter was undergoing surgery on the other side of the hospital, Andy's procedure was even bumped up so that he could be finished in time to see Brie for a bit.

Andy was taken back to have his upper and lower scopes done at 10:00am and Brieanna went into the operating theatre at 10:15am. Within a couple of hours, Andy was texting that he was in recovery and doing well and by 1:30 I was allowed to go back and see Brieanna in recovery. Both of "my patients" were through their procedures and both had gone very well.
Andy was still quite sore when Bro. Kent drove him home from the hospital. He will see the doctor again in April (after a round of strong antibiotics for chronic infection in his internal pouch). At that time, we will see if there are any solutions to the persistent health problems.
Brieanna has been sick most of the evening due to her reaction to the morphine she has been given. She is in some pain, but not severe. She has even been up walking a bit already!! WOW!

Tonight as I sit beside my daughter's hospital bed, I can honestly say that my heart is full of the mercy, grace and peace that only He provides. "Too blessed to be stressed"seems to sum it all up!
1 comment:
Love it! God is so good.
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