Sunshine Day background

Monday, November 11, 2013

Almost Home….Brieanna Day 8!

     Straight away, I have to say that today was a wonderful day!  (you know as far as days at the hospital go)
     Brieanna slept better last night and her pain has lessened considerably.  We were up this morning and ready when Dr. Jaffray came into the room to check on Brie's progress.  He asked after her pain, explained a few things she should expect over the upcoming weeks and months and then asked her if she would like to go home tomorrow.  Of course Brie said "YES!"
     So exciting!  This hospital stay has been 8 days of emotional ups and down, twists and turns, expectations and surprises, but we are coming to an end.  We are so thankful that Brieanna has come through this with such strength.  She gets stronger physically each day and it brings such joy to Andy and I, well, to the WHOLE family!!  Brieanna with her new stoma, whom she jokingly has named "STEVE" will be back home with the family tomorrow afternoon! (She has named it so that any funny noises that might be heard coming from the small bag she can say "Steve did it!" lol)

     Brie had said yesterday that she was going to make it 5 laps around the 4th floor ward today and that she did!  She was quite tired when she got back to her room, but also quite pleased with herself at her own progress.  Then, within minutes, her nose began to bleed.  Not fun - especially when you have been given blood thinners all week to prevent clots in your legs and arms.  Finally, the bleeding did stop, but, GOODESS, it did take a while - and two nurses to help out!
     As we prepare to head home tomorrow, I can see a little distress with my daughter.  She is thrilled to be trading the hospital bed for her own bed as she has been so uncomfortable for the last couple of days.  She is also a bit apprehensive about what could happen should something go wrong with the stoma and external bag.  She continues to tell me that it is just all so new and she does not know what to expect.  I cannot being to imagine what she is feeling just now.
     To say that things are turned a bit upside down just now would be an understatement.  Grandma has traveled this road, Daddy has traveled this road, but Brieanna is just beginning to travel this road.  It is all so new and strange and even a bit confusing for her.  She is learning to care for her wounds quite capably, but certain processes in her life are changing.  Leaving the hospital in her new condition is daunting.  It is like it makes it real once she steps outside these doors.
     I am praying for God's peace just now as I sit here next to Brie's bed.  She has struggled to get comfortable and get some rest tonight.  My own mind would be going non-stop were I in her position.  My prayer is that the God of all comfort will sooth her worries and calm her young heart.  She has made it so far already and my prayer is now for her to continue on in the strength she has already proven God has instilled within her.
     Andy and the kids came to the hospital today and spent a couple of hours with us.  It was so good to see all of the kids interacting together once more.  They played games and joked with each other as they always have.  It gives me such joy to know that Brieanna will have such support when she comes back home.  I have always known this to be true, but seeing a small glimpse of it today with the kids together has made me more thankful than I could express.
     As has always been the case - GOD IS STILL GOOD!

1 comment:

Patti Curington said...

I love the closeness of Brie and her siblings. What a blessing. So excited for her going home - but understand the anxiousness - praying still.