I can honestly say that we have had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!!

Brieanna (and ALL the other kids) has enjoyed having the Cashner boys (Kyle-13, Konner-11 and Kade-9) here in the house as well. I truly believe it has taken her mind off of some of the discomfort and even embarrassment she has faced since the surgery. If "Steve" (the stoma) makes any noises the boys all think it is so cool - even to the point of muting the TV so that they can hear it! They find it hilarious and it has made Brie feel so good. She is even getting around a bit better as well! Her progress,while slow, has been encouraging to watch. Each day there seems to be improvement.

Recently, we received a letter from an unsaved man who questioned our way of life. He made reference to the fact that he cannot understand the way in which we live. It was not a kind letter, and I will not go into all of the details, but it did take a bit of the wind out of my sails. I sat in the hospital beside my ailing daughter and thought how cruel and thoughtless were the words. Once my heart was still and I was quiet inside, God spoke in that voice that brings peace. He reminded me that not everyone will understand my Christian walk. He brought to mind the fact that we are a "peculiar people" loved of our Heavenly Father. He reminded me how blessed I am to have a loving husband and 6 precious children.
I have lovely friends all around the world for which I am extremely thankful. This Thanksgiving weekend, however, I have thought over and over how thankful I am for the family God has allowed Andy and I to have together! Each child is unique and special and I could not imagine my world without them. I am thankful for the genuine smile on Brieanna's face after weeks of pain and misery, I am thankful for Andrew, Blessing, Noah, Eli and Emily and their willingness to come together as a family and help each other when it is needed. Andy and I love each other deeply and it is a joy to see our children display that love to one another. Sure, they have their "sibling moments" but that is family and I am still thankful!
Tonight as I think back on the past couple of months, I can honestly say that I am truly
by the mercies and wonders of the God we serve!
Happy Thanksgiving!
1 comment:
Blessed just touches the hem of the garment. Love you!
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