Today was an early morning for us at the hospital. I do not know if it was the anticipation of being allowed to go home today or what, but Brieanna awoke before 6am and could not get back to sleep. As has been the case since we have been at the hospital, if Brie cannot sleep, neither can mommy:)
Brie was unusually chatty this morning. The hospital was still very quiet and Brieanna began to share her feelings about the whole operation and recovery process. I wanted to share the things she told me for it gave me greater insight into her heart. This is some of what Brie shared with me today:
This has not been as bad as I thought it was going to be. I cannot really remember the first couple of days, so that is not so bad. =D I do remember waking up in the middle of the night just after the surgery and I felt someone was holding my hand.
I opened my eyes to see who it was, but no one was there. It just felt so real like there was Someone holding my hand! It was so real!
I know all of the prayers worked! I cannot wait to tell Blessing what she is in for with this surgery. If she can just make it past the first couple of days, then it is not really so bad. I am a little achy, but still I am gonna be just fine. She will be too!

Brie spoke of Someone holding her hand and continued to talk of knowing that when she did not see a human person next to her bedside, she knew God was there with her. She expressed her desire to get back in her Bible once again. There, on the 4th floor, ward 9, room 15 of the RVI hospital in New Castle, England early in the morning, I caught another glimpse into the tender heart of my 15 year old daughter and found delight in what I saw. I have always known that I am blessed to have Brie in our family, she has been a right arm to me and constant source of joy. I am so thankful that she is also striving to bring joy to her Saviour. Once again, "my cup runneth over"
I am also delighted that we were able to bring Brieanna home this afternoon! She is moving slow, but the kids have just jumped in and helped her in each and every way! Little Emily spent most of the afternoon at Brieanna's bedside asking her if she could bring her water and set her water back down. She even brought Brie some of her toys and said they were "To make Nanna feel better."
This evening when Brieanna was ready to head to bed, her brother AJ took his sister by the arm and escorted her ever so slowly up the stairs. He brought her to her room and tucked her into her bed. He then set up a table for her, retrieved anything and everything she might need for the night. I told AJ how proud I am of how he is helping his sister. AJ responded by saying "When I saw her at the hospital I just felt so helpless. Now I can try to help her." I am ever thankful for such a loving wonderful family!
In closing this particular blog, I would like to say how much I love and appreciate my husband! I came home after being gone for 9 days to a clean house, dishes done, laundry washed and rooms tidy. He has run to and fro from the hospital and has brought anything and everything we needed from the store or the house while we were at the hospital. I know Brie is exhausted after such a long and eventful week, but I am sure Andy comes in a close second! I have been blessed with such a wonderful husband and best friend. I am so thankful that I have his hand to hold throughout all of the past storms and those we will weather together in the future.
With my family all around me, and although SO very tired, I can honestly say………..
We rejoice with you! You have a beautiful family, inside and out!
My heart is blessed! So happy you are both home!
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