I do not hate teaching my children to read and write and add and subtract as their teacher, but I confess I do LOVE more teaching my children practical life lessons as their mother. Trying to separate myself from mommy to teacher is a bit tedious at times. I am trying to keep it real here people and I have to say that I REALLY REALLY do not thrill at being that bossy teacher to my children…..except on those days! You know those days when the light seems to come on inside that precious little head and things seem to FINALLY "click" into place? I LOVE "those" days! I wish there were more of "those" days!
Sunshine Day background
Sunday, December 08, 2013
"New Every Morning"
I do not hate teaching my children to read and write and add and subtract as their teacher, but I confess I do LOVE more teaching my children practical life lessons as their mother. Trying to separate myself from mommy to teacher is a bit tedious at times. I am trying to keep it real here people and I have to say that I REALLY REALLY do not thrill at being that bossy teacher to my children…..except on those days! You know those days when the light seems to come on inside that precious little head and things seem to FINALLY "click" into place? I LOVE "those" days! I wish there were more of "those" days!
Friday, November 29, 2013
Still Blessed!
I can honestly say that we have had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!!

Brieanna (and ALL the other kids) has enjoyed having the Cashner boys (Kyle-13, Konner-11 and Kade-9) here in the house as well. I truly believe it has taken her mind off of some of the discomfort and even embarrassment she has faced since the surgery. If "Steve" (the stoma) makes any noises the boys all think it is so cool - even to the point of muting the TV so that they can hear it! They find it hilarious and it has made Brie feel so good. She is even getting around a bit better as well! Her progress,while slow, has been encouraging to watch. Each day there seems to be improvement.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
INSTINCT….Brieanna Two Weeks On!
We were created with natural instincts. If we touch something hot, we automatically pull away. If we have pain, we cry out or at least react in some way. As parents, we instantly, instinctively love that baby from the moment we know him or her exists in the womb. I know in the world in which we live this is not always the case, but for most, life is precious. We instinctively love our family and desire to protect them.
In the two weeks since my daughter's surgery,
In the two weeks since my daughter's surgery,
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Heart, HOME, and Family…..Brieanna Day 9!
Today was an early morning for us at the hospital. I do not know if it was the anticipation of being allowed to go home today or what, but Brieanna awoke before 6am and could not get back to sleep. As has been the case since we have been at the hospital, if Brie cannot sleep, neither can mommy:)
Brie was unusually chatty this morning. The hospital was still very quiet and Brieanna began to share her feelings about the whole operation and recovery process. I wanted to share the things she told me for it gave me greater insight into her heart. This is some of what Brie shared with me today:
This has not been as bad as I thought it was going to be. I cannot really remember the first couple of days, so that is not so bad. =D I do remember waking up in the middle of the night just after the surgery and I felt someone was holding my hand.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Almost Home….Brieanna Day 8!
Straight away, I have to say that today was a wonderful day! (you know as far as days at the hospital go)
Brieanna slept better last night and her pain has lessened considerably. We were up this morning and ready when Dr. Jaffray came into the room to check on Brie's progress. He asked after her pain, explained a few things she should expect over the upcoming weeks and months and then asked her if she would like to go home tomorrow. Of course Brie said "YES!"
So exciting! This hospital stay has been 8 days of emotional ups and down, twists and turns, expectations and surprises, but we are coming to an end. We are so thankful that Brieanna has come through this with such strength. She gets stronger physically each day and it brings such joy to Andy and I, well, to the WHOLE family!! Brieanna with her new stoma, whom she jokingly has named "STEVE" will be back home with the family tomorrow afternoon! (She has named it so that any funny noises that might be heard coming from the small bag she can say "Steve did it!" lol)
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Unplugged and Needle Free….Brieanna Day 7!
I want to start off this this post with a caution that it will be a lot of bragging on just how AWESOME my daughter is and how GREAT a God I serve…..

Brie was in a bit of pain last night at about 12:30am, so they gave her some medicines. She was up again about an hour later and I helped take care of her needs. By about 1:45am, she was back in bed and that was her until about 8:00am this morning! What a great night! When she did wake up, it was only for a brief time and then she wanted to go back to sleep….without any more pain medication!! What a huge step.
Once Brieanna was fully awake late in the morning, she decided she would go for a walk around the ward. Now that she is fully off the drips and such, she is feeling so much better. We took 3 laps through the halls before she was feeling a bit too sore to continue. What a trooper! She said "Take that physio chics! Tomorrow we will do 5 laps!"
I cannot believe the change in my girl - my daughter is back!
Saturday, November 09, 2013
Thankful for Prayer….Brieanna Day 6!
"...The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous
man availeth much.”
(James 5:16).
Well, this morning was a bit rough for Brie as she was in quite a bit of pain and could not get comfortable enough to sleep well. We were up and down most of the night:(
The nurses were able to get Brie sorted and by about 6:45am she was able to get some rest. As I said it was a rough night, but Brie weathered it quite well.
Today has been bit of a lazy day for Brie in that the physiotherapists and stomas nurses have the weekend off. Brie did take great strides, however, in the area of pain manageability and just general moving about.
Friday, November 08, 2013
Climbing Mountains .…Brieanna Day 5
Late posting today, but SO much going on!
Brie started out today very early and very ill! About 6:00am, she was feeling nauseated and had been coughing. The morphine in her system was starting to make her sick. Despite the anti-nausia medication, Brie was sick twice. Then she began coughing more violently. Both of her lungs are partially collapsed due to hours of intubation and anesthesia. The coughing and deep breathing will help those to inflate fully - both actions are extremely painful to someone who has just had abdominal surgery. Finally, Brie was able to get an hour or so of rest. By 9:00am, the nausea was back as was the physiotherapists, the surgical team, the stoma nurse, pain management nurse and her regular duty nurse for vitals every hour. The room was a hub of activity for a while.
Thursday, November 07, 2013
Up, Down, Up, Down…Brieanna Day 4
Well, today was a hard day for my girl. (Sad, sad face)
Brie suffered with a fever off and on all night and even into the morning. She had a rough go of it all night and we had to adjust her positions several times and, still, she found it hard to get comfortable at all. Even the pain medication did little to comfort her on this night.
The Physiotherapists came first thing and got Brie out of bed and sitting up in a chair in her room. This act was not without ALOT of pain and gritted teeth, but Brie managed it.
Brie suffered with a fever off and on all night and even into the morning. She had a rough go of it all night and we had to adjust her positions several times and, still, she found it hard to get comfortable at all. Even the pain medication did little to comfort her on this night.

Wednesday, November 06, 2013
Baby Steps...Brieanna Day 3
Today I was brought back in time - almost 15 years back in time! I felt myself brought back to when Brieanna was just a few months old trying to gain a little independence.
The physiotherapy girls came in today and told us that they were going to try to put Brie into a chair to sit for a bit! I was so surprised. I asked "Is she allowed to do that already?" Surely this was some sort of mistake and they had the wrong patient, or at the very least, the wrong information! It has been less than 24 hours since my little girl got out of BOWEL REMOVAL surgery and you want her to get out of that bed and sit up in a chair?? Incredible! Impossible, right? ...... NOPE!
Tuesday, November 05, 2013
The BIG DAY...Brieanna Day 2
Well, "surgery day" finally arrived. I must admit that I hardly slept at all last night and seemed to wake with every sound Brieanna made.
As the night sped on, Brie seemed to develop a cough and stuffy nose. This made me worry and I began to pray in earnest for God to take the cough from my little girl. By morning the cough was worse and both Andy and I began to worry they might cancel the surgery if it was too bad.
We discussed our concerns with the surgical consultant and the anesthetist - the surgery would continue as scheduled! Yay! Even though God did not take the cough from Brie, He still allowed the surgery to proceed, God's people were praying - we could already feel it!
Brie was allowed a last drink of water at 6:30am and then nothing after that. By the time the team came at 11:00am to take her to the operating theatre, Brie was so hungry and thirsty! More than anything, though, Brie was nervous. Andy and I prayed one last prayer with Brie to calm us all. The funny thing was, Brie was not nervous about the surgery itself but nervous about having the cannula / port put into her hand! After they tried 5 times to take blood the night before, she was fed up with being a pin cushion!!
As it was, Brie had to have gas to put her under and they put the cannula in after that. Her veins just seem to be TOO small!
I was the only one allowed in the anesthetist room with Brie. She got all set up and I watched my nervous, shy, quiet 15 year-old girlie lie down upon the cot and get ready to take a huge step in her life. The gas put her under pretty fast and I was allowed to kiss her goodbye, gather her robe and slippers and head back to Andy in the waiting area. We were escorted back to Brie's room and left on our own. It was such a strange feeling to be in the room - minus her bed - waiting while the team of surgeons worked on our daughter. All of the imaginings from the last 12 years were coming to pass.
Then began the WAITING....and waiting ... and waiting!!!
Monday, November 04, 2013
Grace in Time of Need.... Brieanna day 1

We went to the hospital this afternoon and Brieanna was admitted. We met with her surgeon Mr. Jaffray and he explained the details of Brieanna's "laparoscopic reconstructive proctocolectomy and ileostomy." Whew!! Plain speak, removal of the whole large bowel! This will also include creating an internal pouch out of the small bowel and allowing it to heal while using an external pouch for about 6 weeks. A second surgery will then reconnect it all. Yes, the days of changing my child's life are here!! It almost takes my breath away!!
Saturday, November 02, 2013
Someday, I Won't Have To Miss A Thing...


I have been blessed to be born in an age where I can chat with my family over the internet. A time when phone calls cost a fraction of the money they did even 20 years ago. I live in a time when I can text my family FOR FREE any time and receive a response almost immediately - FROM ANYWHERE! I can take pictures of everything I am doing and share them with friends and family in an instant and they can do the same with me! To be honest, the close physical presence of family is missing but, I do get to "see" my family quite often. I have to admit in those moments when I feel so far away - it really is not all that bad:) Getting to share little moments - even over the internet is still very special.
I am also reminded on a daily basis that our time on earth is so fleeting. It is but a "vapor" and then we are gone. Heaven is forever! I seem to look forward to that day more and more as I get older. Heaven - where I will sing praises to our Lord WITH my family again! Heaven - where I will NEVER have to say another goodbye! Heaven - when there will be time for and with EVERYONE! Heaven - where
"O that will be glory for me!"
Monday, October 21, 2013
God Is Still Calling Men....
This past week at the Bible Conference in Arbroath, Scotland was just what our family needed....and we really did not even know it. We had just gotten in the country after an awesome time back in America with family and friends. We actually were on "cloud nine" and excited about getting back in to the work here in Carlisle. We have been planning to attend the meeting in Arbroath since last year's meeting, so we were excited to be going. I will admit that we were still a bit jet lagged, but still, we were so looking forward to seeing missionary families, national pastor families as well as many other great friends here in the UK. We knew we were in for a great time of fellowship and preaching. What we did not expect is what God would do with it all in the life of my oldest son....
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
My Cup Runneth Over....
Well, it is official, we are back home in England! I have been so remiss to keep up with our blog while we were back. I am hoping, once again, to change that! (HOLD YOUR BREATH! ha)
At any rate, we are now back in the country....well sorta. We got back into the country of England and only a week went by before we left once again to head to a camp meeting style conference in Arbroath, Scotland.
At any rate, we are now back in the country....well sorta. We got back into the country of England and only a week went by before we left once again to head to a camp meeting style conference in Arbroath, Scotland.
This is a yearly event and one we look forward to every October.
We have been so blessed to make some dear friends here in the UK among fellow missionary families, national pastor families and national Christian folks. It is always fun for all of us to be together in one place for a few days. Saturday, September 21, 2013
Sweet Goodbye...
We are still spending a fabulous time in the good ole US of A! Our time has been wonderful. My youngest daughter has gotten VERY attached to her grandparents once again. Especially her Pawpaw!
I have love to watch Emily and my dad play together. Emily even has my dad smell her STINKY feet and they have even learned a little broadway "jazz hands" together! ha! It has been so sweet to watch them together. The last time we came to The States, Emily was scared of EVERY man we met. She barely let the ladies hold her or hug her, but if you were a man??.....forget it! Now, as a mama, her staying away from boys does not really bother me too bad! ha ha! I do love it though that she has a special place in her heart for her grandparents - ALL of them.
Emily follows her Pawpaw just about everywhere and I am thankful that even in his busy schedule, he makes time for my children to follow him around and pester him to death:) Emily likes nothing more than to go somewhere with her Daddy. Being here at my parent's house, she has transferred that excitement to my dad as well. The other day my dad had to go to the church and she was told to just stay in the house and he would be back soon. Knowing that her Pawpaw would be coming back in the house soon, Emily just stood at the screen door and waited. She kept saying "Bye, Pawpaw! I love you Pawpaw. I miss you Pawpaw." And then she waited and watched for signs of him returning! What a sweet picture she was for this mama!
I am so thankful for the relationship my children enjoy with all of their grandparents. I am also thankful for the time they have been able to spend with them while we have been in America. I feel so blessed to be able to watch a special relationship develop between my children and our parents.
I have love to watch Emily and my dad play together. Emily even has my dad smell her STINKY feet and they have even learned a little broadway "jazz hands" together! ha! It has been so sweet to watch them together. The last time we came to The States, Emily was scared of EVERY man we met. She barely let the ladies hold her or hug her, but if you were a man??.....forget it! Now, as a mama, her staying away from boys does not really bother me too bad! ha ha! I do love it though that she has a special place in her heart for her grandparents - ALL of them.
Emily follows her Pawpaw just about everywhere and I am thankful that even in his busy schedule, he makes time for my children to follow him around and pester him to death:) Emily likes nothing more than to go somewhere with her Daddy. Being here at my parent's house, she has transferred that excitement to my dad as well. The other day my dad had to go to the church and she was told to just stay in the house and he would be back soon. Knowing that her Pawpaw would be coming back in the house soon, Emily just stood at the screen door and waited. She kept saying "Bye, Pawpaw! I love you Pawpaw. I miss you Pawpaw." And then she waited and watched for signs of him returning! What a sweet picture she was for this mama!
I am so thankful for the relationship my children enjoy with all of their grandparents. I am also thankful for the time they have been able to spend with them while we have been in America. I feel so blessed to be able to watch a special relationship develop between my children and our parents.
God is good!
Tuesday, September 03, 2013
No Place Like Home!
I have to admit that I have neglected our blog here in the last week or two. We have been back in the good ole US of A and it has been so much fun! We have gotten to see friends and family and get reacquainted with everyone! So much fun!!
I have always heard people say "You can never go home again". Meaning, home is just never the same once you leave. I know that to be true, and we have happily make England our home. We love it there! I do have to admit though, that each and every time we come back to little, old Amelia, Ohio, USA and the amazing folks at Central Baptist Church, I feel like I have come home!
My parents live at the parsonage (manse) that I grew up in and it feels so comfortable and "homey". I immediately remember favorite childhood times and happy family holidays together in this home. I can even see little (and big:) dents in doors, etc that us kids put there when we were growing up. Each nook and cranny of this place holds special memories for me. It is home! Not my current home, but still home to so many happy memories.
My father has been the pastor of Central Baptist Church of Amelia, Ohio for 32 years now! This church was really the only church I knew growing up. The pews and the classrooms hold a special place in my heart. I care for the Central Baptist Church building, but the Church itself - the dear people - I love with all my heart! So many of these church members have been around most of my life. They helped me grow up. They taught me in Sunday School, I worked on bus routes along-side them and together, we served the Lord. I learned to be a productive Christian through their example. Again, I have to say,
I have a few preachers that I can listen to endlessly but there are two in my life who are and always will be my favorites: my husband and my father!
I have always heard people say "You can never go home again". Meaning, home is just never the same once you leave. I know that to be true, and we have happily make England our home. We love it there! I do have to admit though, that each and every time we come back to little, old Amelia, Ohio, USA and the amazing folks at Central Baptist Church, I feel like I have come home!
My parents live at the parsonage (manse) that I grew up in and it feels so comfortable and "homey". I immediately remember favorite childhood times and happy family holidays together in this home. I can even see little (and big:) dents in doors, etc that us kids put there when we were growing up. Each nook and cranny of this place holds special memories for me. It is home! Not my current home, but still home to so many happy memories.
My father has been the pastor of Central Baptist Church of Amelia, Ohio for 32 years now! This church was really the only church I knew growing up. The pews and the classrooms hold a special place in my heart. I care for the Central Baptist Church building, but the Church itself - the dear people - I love with all my heart! So many of these church members have been around most of my life. They helped me grow up. They taught me in Sunday School, I worked on bus routes along-side them and together, we served the Lord. I learned to be a productive Christian through their example. Again, I have to say,
I love my Central Baptist Church family!
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Camp Joy - Day 5 .... the final day:(

The hunt took place anyway, but the rain did make most of the clues quite soggy. The kids still loved the activity and thoroughly enjoyed themselves - wet or dry!!
Each of the kids were given certificates for the week stating the team they were on - Jumping Jaguars or Pouncing Panthers. They also got certificates for the boy and girl campers of the week. These children were chosen by their Tent Leaders because of their display of good character and good attitude throughout the week. I have to say as a mother, I was thrilled to pieces that my AJ was chosen as the boy camper of the week!
As a parent, you always think that your children are wonderful.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Camp Joy Day 4
Every year at camp, there is at least one day that is the water day. A large piece of plastic is rolled out, a hose-pipe is added and then baby shampoo or washing-up liquid is added to the slide. The kids love slipping and sliding down the slide and challenge each other to make it to the end. I don't know who has a better time at this, the Tent Leaders and Preachers or the children!!! It is always a highlight of the week and this year was no different:)

Camp Joy Day 3
On Tuesday, a close preacher friend of our, Kent Gossmeyer, said something that stuck with me all day on Wednesday. He was telling us folks in the kitchen about a preacher friend of his and said how they had become close friends very shortly after meeting each other. He said this preacher did many amazing things and he admired him even more for it. The way he put it was
"I like people who do hard things."
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Camp Joy....Day 2

I have to admit that my ideal birthday does not include cooking three meals and a snack time for 45-60 children and adults, plus washing up the dishes and cleaning the kitchen and tables over and over again, but.....that did not mean that my day was not special. I had the privilege of spending my birthday here at Camp Joy with wonderful friends.
Monday, August 12, 2013
CAMP JOY, JOy, Joy, joy....down in my heart!

We left on Sunday afternoon just after our morning services at Lighthouse Baptist Church in Carlisle, and after a quick lunch from McDonald's and a LONG load-up of luggage into the car, all 10 of us (in two vans) were finally on the road! After nearly 6 hours, we arrived at Brimpton Baptist Church. Our kids were thrilled - to be out of the car AND to finally be at camp!!!
Friday, August 09, 2013
The Little Things in Life....

We circled around the enormous stand a couple of times looking at and smelling several flowers in turn. She was in LOVE!! Each flower smelled better than the last! After a little while, I consented to let her pick out one bouquet to take home with her. She was so happy!
Now, for the sheer joy it put on my daughter's face, I would have happily paid a small fortune to keep that little joyful smile in place, but Emily did not choose an expensive bouquet. We finally settled on a small bouquet simply because it had one large pink flower within the small white ones! The cost: £1!!!! (Of course Daddy was happy with that:)

It seems that the littlest things in life can many times be the most wondrous of all! I think sometimes I forget what great joy I can find through the seemingly "little flowers" in life. Thank you, my sweet little Emily Jo, for the recent reminder that
It is sometimes in the little things that God brings us the greatest joy!
Friday, August 02, 2013
World Cup Final
Wednesday, 31 July, 2013
The final day of Coaching 4 Christ is the World Cup match day! The kids were so excited - the winners were going to be awarded a medal and a trophy for the top team! We were all excited!
Once again, God halted the rain during our 2 hours on the pitch and the kids had a wonderful time playing each other in the bright sunshine.
One little boy, Jay, who comes with his Grandma to our church went out to play in the matches. He was put on a team and the colored vest he was give to wear was much like a little dress on his 5 year old body. Jay was determined though!
Thursday, August 01, 2013
Well Glory!!! - Day 2 C4C!

The second day of our Coaching 4 Christ event went much like the first day. Rain, rain, rain and then...........
So far the week has beat anything I have seen here in the country of England and it was evident to us all that God was showing off just for us...and He was not done yet!As near as I could count, we had 20 children on the pitch and at least 5 younger ones on the side-lines. It was so great to see the kids interest grow as well as their football / soccer skills! The parents seem to be just as thrilled as we were!

Day 2 is over but Oliver's life in Christ is just beginning. What a joy to know that prayer works! Faith works! Love for these children works!
God is always at work!!
Monday, July 29, 2013

"...in Jesus name we pray, Amen." I have uttered these words thousands of times in my Christian prayer life, but I wonder sometimes, do I really mean it like I should? I want to pray BELIEVING that God will answer, but when He does, I act like I am surprised! It is like I pray just out of habit, but do not really expect anything of the great God that I serve! Today was a bit like that....
Months ago, we scheduled to host a Coaching 4 Christ football / soccer training camp here in Carlisle. The Coaching 4 Christ coaches come from Northern Ireland and have a wonderful ministry traveling to several different countries setting up week-long soccer camps for children. They train the kids for a couple of hours and then give a short Bible talk at the end of each training session. Many children have come to know Christ through this ministry and since it is hosted by local churches, it is also helping those churches reach out into the community a bit more and also grow in numbers as souls come to know Christ. One more fabulous thing about this unique ministry is that it is all done FREE of charge for the children. The ministry itself is funded through love offerings here and there from individuals and churches alike. We have a very dear friend of ours, Alan Dundas, who is now one of the full-time coaches working with this ministry.
Three coaches, including Alan, plus Alan's daughter Carolyn showed up at our home yesterday, Sunday, 28 July. Our church BBQ was in full swing, but once everyone had left, Andy took the coaches to show them the Sheepmount Sports Complex where the pitch / field is located that we would be using. The lady at the Sheepmount warned them that if the rain was bad and the fields were flooded, we would not be able to use the pitches at all! Of course, rain was forecasted to start and continue all night! We began to pray - God knows best.
The rain did come and it did rain ALL night....and all morning! The rain was pouring and we began to worry. Would any kids even show up with the rain? Would we be able to use the pitch? Where would we go if not there? We were already unsure how the children and parents here in Carlisle would respond to this type of ministry and now it could be a complete "wash-out".

In all of this, I watched God answer our prayers over and over again. Sure, they may have seemed like small worries and tiny details but I know that God cares about those "tiny..." and "small..." things in our lives. I sincerely prayed for God to answer our prayers for a great day, but as He answered our prayers, I almost acted like I was surprised. I don't know why because I KNOW we serve a mighty God and that He know what we have need of when we need it!
As the sun shone on us this afternoon, I could feel the Holy Spirit whisper to me once again:
"...O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?" Matthew 14:11b
God ALWAYS comes through - maybe not always the way WE wish He would, but He never fails! I have to remind myself of that EVERY day! Looking forward to what God will do tomorrow!
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Still Blessed...

I have prayed most of the day that the Lord will handle things in the way He sees fit. I TRY to pray this for all things in my life, but I REALLY tried to leave it all in His capable hands today. You know, it does work:) I felt better and my spirit was lighter. My worrier husband even reminded me,
My Oasis...

When my morning is crazy and we are rushing here and there - usually on a Sunday, of course - I know I will have at least one clean spot for a child to sit to put on his or her shoes - MY BED! This may seem insignificant to some, but to those parents out there who have lost a child's shoe or sock beneath the mass of twisted quilts and pillows - you will understand!! A tidy surface is needed for such tasks and as we get older, squatting on the floor is just not as easy! ha!
We also have A LOT of company in and out of our revolving door:) We LOVE to have folks come visit - whether it is just for the occasional afternoon cuppa, a day of BBQ, or week-long visits, we love to have friends around. Now, as much fun
Friday, July 26, 2013
Do I Really HAVE to Grow Up???

As a mother of 6, pastor's wife, homeschool teacher and business owner, I can honestly say there are days I would love to be carefree and irresponsible. Now, do not mistake my meaning - I LOVE my life and would not trade places with ANYONE for the world! My children, my hubby, friends and family are all wonderful, but there are times when it would seem easier to just drop everything and go back to bed, play video games, read a book or go to the beach and build sandcastles all day! However, I also know that once I got back from my trip to "Neverland", all my responsibilities would still be here waiting for me, so.....I press on!
In today's world, I see more and more how teenagers leave high-school with no real goals, sense of responsibility or even work ethic. I always think "I want more for my own children!" Sure, I want my kids to love me. I want them to look to me as a friend, a buddy. I want them to WANT to hang out with me!
But most of all, I want them to be all they can be!
Monday, July 22, 2013
A "Blessing" In Disguise
July 21, 2000 seems like ages ago now, and although the pain has dulled somewhat, I ALWAYS still find a lump in my throat as I think of or talk about the loss of our unborn child. Only 8 weeks along in my third pregnancy, God saw fit to take our child to be with Him. Andy and I were devastated, of course, and I could not help but go over every action of the previous 8 weeks to be sure I had not done anything to cause the miscarriage. I knew then, as I know now:
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Have you ever just had "One of those days?" You are just going about your usual business and then BAM! you get blindsided by the iron will of your three-year-old? Well that happened to us today!
Friday, July 19, 2013
Just Can't Wait To Get On The Road Again....NOT!
Well, today, we thought it would be a good idea to take all the kids with us on a 3 hour road trip!
Fun family time, right?
Let me just double check my recipe for a LONG day.....
- 6 Hungry Kids - check
- 90 degree heat - check
- 3 hours to drive (one way) - check
- Traffic accident turning the drive into 4.5 hours - check
- One van with no AC - check
- The two youngest children sitting within arms reach of one another - check
- 2 Parents on a diet suffering from CARB withdraw - check, check
Just stir all of that together with "not enough car chargers for all the electrical entertainment", emergency stops for the toilet, dying battery on the laptop and a Sat Nav that only takes you CLOSE ENOUGH to where you want to go. Mix all of that up and VOILA!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
An Extra Measure of Grace
I can remember the sinking feeling I had years ago when we learned that there was a chance my children could inherit the same disease my mother-in-law and several of my husband's family members suffer from. I can remember, vividly, the day we found out that my husband had the disease. I can remember the day we went to have all 5 (at the time) of my children genetically tested for the disease causing gene. I can remember, also, the day we learned that 4 of our 6 children also have the FAP gene. These moments will forever be etched in my memory. I will never forget those days. In the same way, I will never forget Monday, 15 July 2013.
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