Sunshine Day background

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Thankful for Prayer….Brieanna Day 6!

     "...The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” 
(James 5:16).

Well, this morning was a bit rough for Brie as she was in quite a bit of pain and could not get comfortable enough to sleep well.  We were up and down most of the night:(
     The nurses were able to get Brie sorted and by about 6:45am she was able to get some rest.  As I said it was a rough night, but Brie weathered it quite well.
     Today has been bit of a lazy day for Brie in that the physiotherapists and stomas nurses have the weekend off.  Brie did take great strides, however, in the area of pain manageability and just general moving about.
 Each time she has to get out of the bed she seems to be able to move a bit faster.  I get so excited and praise her each time.  She even ate an entire "Pot Noodle" this afternoon!  (Americans, this is just a plastic cup of flavored pasta that you add boiling water to cook:) I am genuinely awed by the fact that she had such a surgery and is already able to be up and about and eating!
     I am convinced that Brie's great progress is attributed to the amount of our wonderful friends and family who have prayed for her non-stop.  Sure, Brie is young and in good health and has a strong will and determination.  I know this strength comes from her Heavenly Father who has given her extra grace to weather this trial.  Brie has said several times how she has felt the prayers of friends and family.
    God has truly been there for our family right now - as always.  I have never wanted this ordeal to be about Andy and I, but always about Brie giving God a chance to show up and show off!  HE DEFINITELY HAS DONE THAT!  We have been the recipients of countless answers to the prayers of God's people.  We are humbled and honored at the care, love
and concern that has been poured out on our family.
     A life without Christ just misses out on so much joy God has to offer through being part of such an encouraging group of people!  The way Christians can come together to lend support and encouragement through difficult situations has always astounded me.  Without even knowing the full details, we can go before The Throne of Grace and petition God on behalf of a hurting soul.
     Tonight, I am thankful for a God who hears the hurting and the brokenhearted.  He can see our physical and emotional bruises and offers comfort and healing.  I am thankful for Christian friends who are prayer warriors.  I am thankful for a wonderful family of my own who loves God and each other.


Patti Curington said...

Not a single word to add - just Amen!

Unknown said...

Glad she could get a quiet day of rest. Keep it up Brie!