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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Unplugged and Needle Free….Brieanna Day 7!

I want to start off this this post with a caution that it will be a lot of bragging on just how AWESOME my daughter is and how GREAT a God I serve…..

     Brie was able to have the drip disconnected last night and that enabled her to have the use of her left hand again and allowed us to NOT have to cart cords and wires all over the room.  Brie was so happy!!  That meant NO BEEPING, NO ALARMS and maybe even some sleep!
     Brie was in a bit of pain last night at about 12:30am, so they gave her some medicines.  She was up again about an hour later and I helped take care of her needs.  By about 1:45am, she was back in bed and that was her until about 8:00am this morning!  What a great night!  When she did wake up, it was only for a brief time and then she wanted to go back to sleep….without any more pain medication!!  What a huge step.
     Once Brieanna was fully awake late in the morning, she decided she would go for a walk around the ward.  Now that she is fully off the drips and such, she is feeling so much better.  We took 3 laps through the halls before she was feeling a bit too sore to continue.  What a trooper!  She said "Take that physio chics!  Tomorrow we will do 5 laps!"
     I cannot believe the change in my girl - my daughter is back!
 She is talking non-stop - and for those of you who know Brie, she is a pretty quiet girl anyway!  She even told me that she is making up for days of not speaking hardly at all! ha!
     We spent the afternoon together making her feel like a real girl again!  Showered and changed, she looked 100% better!  She even acted as good as she felt.  We laughed together and even went to the little cupboard down the hall and picked out some movies to watch together!  Such a wonderful day spent with my daughter who is healing!  I cannot express how amazed I am!!  Six days since major surgery and she is doing marvelous!
     Yesterday, we were talking and I questioned Brie whether she was upset about the fact that she had to have this surgery.  I wanted to know if she held resentment that her life was a little different that other 15 year old girls.  Her response to me was so matter-of-fact "Everyone has something they have to go through.  This is just my thing."  Wow!  Even after a week of intense pain and worry, she can still have such a response!  I cannot take credit for the way my daughter thinks.  I have watched this girl sit up late at night or early in the morning reading her Bible.  I have watched her and helped her as she has studied for Sunday school lessons.  I know my daughter has a real relationship with her Heavenly Father.  She displays Christ in her life in a way that is convicting to me as her mother.  My heart is bursting with pride and joy over this lovely young lady!
     Tonight Brie was talking of ways she is going to help her younger sister go through the same surgery in a few years.  She was laughing and making jokes about it all.  She even said "Hey, after you get past the first 3-4 days, it is not so bad.  Just one more surgery in 6 weeks and then I get on with my life!"  What strength!
     Again, I want to say what a wonderful encouragement Brie has been to Andy and I as she has leaped every hurdle so gracefully.  I know the prayers of our friends and family have helped her through the worst days and will continue to be with us during any rough days to come.  My daughter is confident in the ability of the God she serves!  How that blesses our hearts as her parents!
     I am sure every mother would agree with me when I say, I cannot imagine my life without each one of my wonderful children.  Each characteristic and personality is so uniquely formed.  God has blessed us more than we deserve.  This last week has shown me in so many not-so-little ways how blessed my life really is!  It is nothing in me or my husband, but it is ALL in the God we serve.  The world around us may never understand, and may even question our sanity at times:)  Still, I know, that I know, that I know, God has great plans for my babies and I cannot wait to see what He will do in and through them all!

1 comment:

Heather Dundas said...

Amy what an amazing young lady Brie is(I knew that anyway). How many of us would be lying moaning about our pain and just wanting pampered. Brie I am so proud and impressed by you sweetheart. We all continue to pray for you and I have people you dont know asking for updates on you cos they are praying. Love you both loads and maybe we'll get to have you visit soon. Xxx